31299 33吋彩虹獨角獸大鋁膜氣球

Animals 動物

Animals 動物

31299 33吋彩虹獨角獸大鋁膜氣球

Price including Helium filled and ribbon



Floating time飄起時間: 2-5 Days 2-5天

Plastic weight 膠牌仔: can hold 1 ONE latex balloon filled with helium, avoid balloon flying away 只可綁1個已充氦氣之橡膠氣球, 防止氣球飄走

Balloon weight 氣球底座: can hold 10-15 latex balloons filled with helium, avoid balloons flying away 可綁10-15 個已充氦氣之橡膠氣球, 防止氣球飄走

Plastic Bag 膠袋: can pack balloons in the plastic bag for easy picking, travel by MTR 可包裝氣球方便拿取/乘搭地鐵


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  • : 2256
  • 型號: 31299
  • 庫存狀態: 有現貨
6 Product(s) Sold
  • $188


標籤: 31299, 33吋彩虹獨角獸大鋁膜氣球, animals, 動物